Tuesday, December 22, 2015

How do I even blog?

 Hey, Hi, How are ya? I decided (finally after months of deliberation) to start this blog. Let me take a brief pause here to mention that I was inspired by one of my best friends Ellen who you can find at sarcasminheels.blogspot.com ! Here's the thing though... well 2 things I guess. 1. Ellen will be the only one reading this because as of now no one else knows I started this blog and 2. I don't know what the hell I'm doing. Do I go about this like a personal diary that I'm writing publicly for anyone to see? "Dear Diary, today I fell down some stone steps in central park (blame it on my fabulous gold heeled booties) and although I caught myself I also got laughed at by a homeless man and a 5 year old child" yeah maybe not so much. That is a true story though, if being a klutz was an Olympic event I would sweep the gold medal every time. Should I maybe approach this like an advice column? Just Kidding I can't even keep my own life in order so you probably don't want to go asking yourself "What Would Kaitlyn Do?" just do you boo, okay? Maybe I could go about this like a beauty guru and give fab tips to keep your lipstick from smudging and your eyebrows on point. But then again that's been done just a time too many. I guess I'll just go about this as shambly as my life itself and just give you all (let's pretend more than just one person will ever actually read this) a daily post of whatever my mess of a mind comes up with. Be it a breakdown of my day, a DIY tutorial, a review of a makeup product or new book I've discovered, I'll try my best to keep y'all interested and on your toes. Why keep up with a Kardashian when you could Keep Up with Kaitlyn, AMIRIGHT?

Until Tomorrow,
Later Love Bugs

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