Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Get to know me

Eventually I will get to posting these at a time that isn't after 1am but sadly today is not that day. I wasn't sure what to write about today because my day was relatively uneventful (except a super cute new Coach purse my mom bought me but more on that when I post a what I got for Christmas blog post) So when trying to think of what I could blog about I figured why not let me readers (again lets pretend I have any) learn some more about me! And what better way to do that then one of those annoying surveys everyone used to post on facebook in their notes in hopes of their crushing seeing and falling madly in love with you based on your answers, and don't lie you know you did the same. I found a website full of these and picked one at random.

So I present to you a present day facebook survey full of random questions:

1.What size is the last bed you kissed on? Queen
2.When was the last time you were sick? I currently have a cold
3.Are you one of those people who are always cold? not really, but I'm cold more often than hot
4.What are you listening to? silence
5.How many more days until your birthday? 6 months and 7 days until my 21st
6.Do you have any summer plans yet? I'm going on a study abroad to Italy
7.When was the last time you shaved your legs? lol like 4 days ago (struggles of being away from my boyfriend during winter break)
8.Is there someone you wish you were closer with? yes
9.Do you tend to waste a lot of money? I. SUCK. AT. BUDGETING.
10.Have any addictions? unless you count lipstick then no
11. Are you anything like your siblings? alike in so many ways but different in so many ways.
12.Have you ever had a stalker? I hope not
13.What did you last drink? water
14.Have you ever received an injury from a hook up? hahaha no
15.What did you last eat? pasta
16. What was the best concert you have been to? Brad Paisley, it was free and I was three rows away from the stage and he's one of my favorite country artists!
17. Who is the last person you hugged? my grandmother
18. Do you have any good friends of the opposite sex? my boyfriend and the guy friends in our group of friends
19. When was the last time you had a crowd at your house? At my apartment a few weeks ago.
20. What can you smell? my perfume
21.How many cell phones have you had? too many to count, I'm notorious for accidentally breaking them
22.Which school year do you think will be the saddest? Since I only have one year of college left I'd hope it already went by
23.Do you have trust issues? I used to but not anymore
24. Are you keeping anything from your best friend(s) now? nope
25. Where do you get all your clothes? too many different places to list
26. What did you do today ? Went shopping with my mom, had a game night with my family
27.How many more years of high school do you have? None, I'm in College
28.Do you have a YouTube account? No but I watch a lot of youtube videos
29. Do you have a secret that you’ve never told anyone? Not that I can think of
30. Have you ever regretted kissing someone? yes, my (kind of) ex
31. Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket? nope
32. Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile? my boyfriend and Ellen
33. Have you ever sent a text to the wrong person? many times
34. Would you rather sleep with someone else or alone? with Collin
35. Will next friday be a good one? I sure hope so
36. When was the last time something bothered you? I haven't been bothered much lately
37. Do you think age matters in relationships? as long as both are over 21 then not really
38. Have you ever lived with a girlfriend/boyfriend? Not yet
39. When will your next kiss be? December 31st when I get back to Texas
40. Who was the first male you talked to today? Collin

Not the most exciting post but I'll have something better for you next time.

Until Tomorrow,
Later Lovebugs

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

How do I even blog?

 Hey, Hi, How are ya? I decided (finally after months of deliberation) to start this blog. Let me take a brief pause here to mention that I was inspired by one of my best friends Ellen who you can find at ! Here's the thing though... well 2 things I guess. 1. Ellen will be the only one reading this because as of now no one else knows I started this blog and 2. I don't know what the hell I'm doing. Do I go about this like a personal diary that I'm writing publicly for anyone to see? "Dear Diary, today I fell down some stone steps in central park (blame it on my fabulous gold heeled booties) and although I caught myself I also got laughed at by a homeless man and a 5 year old child" yeah maybe not so much. That is a true story though, if being a klutz was an Olympic event I would sweep the gold medal every time. Should I maybe approach this like an advice column? Just Kidding I can't even keep my own life in order so you probably don't want to go asking yourself "What Would Kaitlyn Do?" just do you boo, okay? Maybe I could go about this like a beauty guru and give fab tips to keep your lipstick from smudging and your eyebrows on point. But then again that's been done just a time too many. I guess I'll just go about this as shambly as my life itself and just give you all (let's pretend more than just one person will ever actually read this) a daily post of whatever my mess of a mind comes up with. Be it a breakdown of my day, a DIY tutorial, a review of a makeup product or new book I've discovered, I'll try my best to keep y'all interested and on your toes. Why keep up with a Kardashian when you could Keep Up with Kaitlyn, AMIRIGHT?

Until Tomorrow,
Later Love Bugs